O’Bryan Law Offices represents Bankruptcy clients throughout all of Kentucky and Southern Indiana. We offer in-person and video/telephone consultations for people so they can understand their financial options from the comfort of their own home.
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O'Bryan Blog


“Wake Up To A Fresh Start, Debt Free” book written by our very own Julie O’Bryan

The O’Bryan Law Offices staff is excited to announce that Julie’s new book, “Wake Up To A Fresh Start, Debt Free” is on it’s way!

Hello Everyone,

My staff and I are very excited to announce that my new book, “Wake Up To A Fresh Start, Debt Free” will be available shortly! This easy-to-read book helps answer many of the confusing questions that my clients often ask me when considering bankruptcy. I wrote this book specifically to help those who struggle with the idea of bankruptcy, to let them know that it is OK. Many people think that filing for bankruptcy is a sign of failure, but in my experience, it is an act of taking control of your life and your finances, and starting over with a clean slate.

I had such a great time writing this book and reflecting on my 30 years of practicing bankruptcy law. I have loved nothing more than serving my community of Kentuckiana, and I hope this book provides another way to help my clients, and potential clients, in achieving a financial Fresh Start.

If you would like a copy of my new book, contact our office at 502-339-0222, and we will reserve your book today!

Thank you to all my current, and previous clients, for letting me help you over the past 23 years. It truly means the world to me knowing that I’ve made an impact in the lives of my community.

Truly yours,

Julie O’Bryan


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