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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline

chapter 7 bankruptcy timeline

Meet Your Attorney

The first step in anyone’s Chapter 7 bankruptcy timeline is finding the right attorney. Finding a good Kentucky bankruptcy attorney is easy. Call the O’Bryan Law Offices at 502-339-0222 for a free consultation at one of our convenient locations in southern Indiana or Kentucky. Your attorney will listen to your concerns, identify legal issues concerning your debts, and then recommend legal solutions. While bankruptcy is not always the best option to solve a financial problem, it is a powerful tool that should be considered. Your Louisville bankruptcy attorney will also ask you to provide financial documentation such as tax returns, titles and deeds, and paystubs. The attorney will take this information and draft a bankruptcy petition.

Credit Counseling

Before you can file bankruptcy you must meet receive credit counseling from an approved credit counseling agency. Your attorney will recommend an agency that is approved. Fortunately, O’Bryan Law Offices offers approved Kentucky credit counseling.

Sign and File Your Bankruptcy

Once the petition is drafted, you will meet with your attorney to review and sign your bankruptcy petition and schedules. You must verify the contents of your bankruptcy filing under penalty of perjury, so it is important to carefully review this document. You must also pay your court filing fee (currently $306).

Attend Financial Management Class

After you file your case, you will attend a course in personal financial management from an approved agency. You must complete this course before the court can enter a discharge. We advise that you complete this course as soon as possible.

Section 341 Meeting of Creditors with Trustee

The bankruptcy court will send out notices of your Meeting of Creditors. Your meeting will take place between 30 and 45 days after you file your case. While creditors do not typically attend this meeting, you will answer questions under oath from the Chapter 7 Trustee about your debts and property.

Trustee’s Report

The Chapter 7 Trustee’s report is due to the bankruptcy court within 10 days after your Meeting of Creditors has concluded. This report states that the Trustee has completed a review of the case and that there are no assets to administer.


Creditors have 60 days after the date first set for the Meeting of Creditors to file an objection in your case. Objections are rare, especially in Chapter 7 no asset cases.

Discharge and Conclusion

The final steps in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy timeline are discharge and conclusion. If nobody files an objection and you satisfy all other requirements, the bankruptcy court will enter an order discharging your debts. Soon thereafter, it will close your case. To find out exactly what Chapter 7 bankruptcy can do for you, read our related blog post.

Every bankruptcy case is different and some cases do not follow the timeline described above. The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at the O’Bryan Law Offices will conduct an investigation of your finances and can give you a very good indication of what to expect during bankruptcy, including how long it will take. Our attorneys handle a wide variety of bankruptcy cases, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy Kentucky. Call today at 502-339-0222 for a free consultation.


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