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O'Bryan Blog


Many college students may face bankruptcy thanks to credit cards

When Kentucky students look forward to their college career, they may think about how expensive tuition will be or how much they may have to pay to live on campus. While most people consider the cost of books, they may overlook the expense associated with everyday life away from home, such as gas, groceries and other necessities. As a result, more students are relying on credit cards, and more are facing the possible need to file for bankruptcy in the future.

It’s not easy to learn how to live away from home and learn how to manage personal finances all at once, yet this is what many college students have to do. Surveys suggest that as many as 35% of college students actually accumulate credit card debt in their first year, an amount that can add up over the next few years. Some feel so overwhelmed and confused that they hide their financial struggles from their parents.

Work study programs and certain types of loans may help some students avoid credit card debt. However, the reality is that many young adults graduate with some type of debt hanging over their heads. This can make it difficult to ever really get ahead.

No matter how old a Kentucky consumer is or what type of debt he or she has, that person has the right to pursue a better financial future. Through a bankruptcy filing, a person may be able to deal with certain types of debt once and for all. If a reader believes this may be a smart option, it may help to first seek a complete evaluation of his or her case.


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