O’Bryan Law Offices represents Bankruptcy clients throughout all of Kentucky and Southern Indiana. We offer in-person and video/telephone consultations for people so they can understand their financial options from the comfort of their own home.
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Being a Credit Role Model for your Children

It is never too late to get a fresh start and rebuild your credit. One factor that motivates many of our clients to file bankruptcy and create a new financial future is that they want to be able to show their children how to manage their finances and build a credit score they can have pride in.

As you embark on the bankruptcy process, your children may or may not know about your financial situation, but chances are they were feeling the stress and tension you were dealing with before you discovered how bankruptcy could help you get that fresh start you needed. Parents’ credit mistakes can be great examples for children though, so they can learn from those mistakes and not make them on their own.

When children are learning about the financial options they will have as they grow up, it is important to explain to them how credit works and how it can be extremely beneficial as well as how it can be detrimental. Teaching your children about interest, payments, and credit scores is important and will be valuable information they will use for the rest of their lives. If you have not been the credit role model you want to be for your children up to this point, contact one of the experienced bankruptcy attorneys at O’Bryan Law Offices and let us show you how bankruptcy can help you achieve the fresh start you need to get on the road toward a credit score that will make you and your children proud.

At O’Bryan Law Offices, we have helped thousands of individuals and families file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Our clients have dealt with many of life’s challenges, resulting in overwhelming debt. They chose to address their debt head on and give themselves the fresh start they deserve.

If you are interested in learning about your options through bankruptcy, make an appointment to speak with one of the experienced bankruptcy attorneys at O’Bryan Law Offices today. We now offer free “Life After Bankruptcy” courses to our clients to help them rebuild their credit score. Call us today at 502-339-0222 for a free bankruptcy consultation. Get a Fresh Start today!


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