O’Bryan Law Offices represents Bankruptcy clients throughout all of Kentucky and Southern Indiana. We offer in-person and video/telephone consultations for people so they can understand their financial options from the comfort of their own home.
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Start the Bankruptcy Process

The bankruptcy process is very procedural. The attorneys at our firm will walk you through every step of the process. We will first help determine what type of bankruptcy is best for you – Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Once that is determined, we will gather information about your financial situation and begin the process of filing for bankruptcy. A bankruptcy trustee will also be assigned to your case, and he or she will also assist with parts of the bankruptcy process.

Bankruptcy Filing Process

Important parts of the filing process include:

  • Disclosing all debts and assets
  • Attending credit counseling (two classes)
  • Appearing at a meeting of creditors (likely one time)

While it is not required that you work with a Kentucky bankruptcy lawyer for your case, it is strongly encouraged that you retain competent legal counsel. The process for filing is specific and just one error could prevent you from being able to file at all. A lawyer will understand the specific deadlines and know how to prepare the petition so that it will likely be approved by the bankruptcy court. You can count on the team at O’Bryan Law Offices to help you through this process.

Whether you’re filing for bankruptcy or trying to rebuild your financial life, O’Bryan Law Offices will guide you through the process from start to finish. We will meet with you for an initial consultation and determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

Basic Steps to Get Started Filing For Bankruptcy

Below are some of the basic steps for getting started:

We will start by scheduling a “Fresh Start Planning Session” where we will meet you in person, get familiar with your unique situation and discuss some of your options. Unlike other law firms, you always meet with an attorney for your initial consultation. At this meeting you can retain our law firm by making a $450.00 payment towards your legal fees.

We will then give you a bankruptcy portfolio with reading material and documents that we need you to complete (“your homework”) so that we can prepare your petition. We will also give you a “secret” phone number that you can give your creditors to get them to stop calling you and start calling us!

Before your initial consultation, consider doing the following:

  • Check our Bankruptcy-related articles in our Bankruptcy Blog to get a basic understanding of everything involved in the process. You can also download our free E-Book “The Bankruptcy Decision” using the form on the right.
  • Start gathering some of your financial documents. We don’t need your entire life history, but it’s helpful to have a general idea of your debts and income.
  • Download and fill out our Client Pre-Interview Worksheet and Client Worksheet from our Forms & Worksheets.

Visit our Bankruptcy page to learn more about our services.

We help people get a fresh start every day. Call us at 502-339-0222 or fill out our online contact form when you’re ready to begin.

When you have done this homework and you have your final balance, make an appointment with your assigned paralegal to give us your “homework.”

Get Started Today

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