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Credit Abuse and Resistance Education CARE

credit abuse and resistance education

CARE (Credit Abuse and Resistance Education) is a financial literacy initiative that makes experienced members of the Bankruptcy Community available to teach the importance of financial education. These presentations are the perfect supplement to any financial literacy program offered by you or your school, especially to any unit on consumer credit, and they can be made during individual classroom periods or to larger student groups, including senior assemblies. CARE’s primary target is high school seniors and college freshmen who are most at risk because, as hungry consumers, they are aggressively marketed by the credit card industry at a time when they carry a very low Financial I.Q. CARE is a national program by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, WDNY and the Bankruptcy Committee of the Monroe County Bar Association. It was founded in 2002 by U.S. bankruptcy Court, Chief Judge John C Nonfo, II(retired).

What Is Financial Literacy?

Simply stated, financial literacy is the effective management of your financial life. When you are financially literate, you have the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions regarding your financial resources for a lifetime of financial well-being.

Financial literacy is more than balancing your checkbook or having the smarts and the wherewithal to seek out the best deals for groceries or a major purchase. It also includes the setting of financial goals and taking time to map out a plan to reach those goals.

There are a handful of topics that constitute the core of financial literacy:

  • Budgeting and Saving
  • Basics of Banking
  • Making Smart Decisions

To get more information about the CARE program go to www.care4yourfuture.org


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